Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How I block my hats

For those of you who aren't into blocking...it's time to start. I tried it once, and I have never returned to my old ways!!! It makes the stitches look much more organized, and the garment always sits much nicer. And it takes so little effort!

There are many ways to block, but this is how I do it. I used my newly finished Miami Dolphins hat as an example. 

STEP 1: Totally soak your hat in water. Plug up the kitchen or bathroom sink, and swish it around for a while. 
STEP 2: Wring out your hat gently
STEP 3: Place a towel on the floor, and roll up your hat in it. Kneel on it to get out the excess moisture. 

Sorry my towels are so multicoloured!!
STEP 4: Take a towel and stuff it inside a plastic bag. The plastic bag keeps the drying time down. Place this contraption into your hat, and balance it on a table or chair somewhere. Arrange the stuffing so the hat is the size and shape you would like it. 

STEP 5: Place pins in the hat to keep it there. 

STEP 6: Let your hat dry! It may take a day or two. 

Then remove the pins and wear!

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